Press Release

The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) Responds to President Biden’s State of the Union

The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) Responds to President Biden’s State of the Union

Washington, D.C., February 8, 2023 – Following President Biden’s State of the Union Speech, TAAF Chief Executive Officer Norman Chen issued the following statement in response:

“Over the last two years of the Biden-Harris Administration, we have seen great economic growth. TAAF is proud of the progress we’ve made and how the U.S. has rebuilt in the aftermath of COVID. Today, we see the revitalization of industries and in our own communities, the strengthening of small businesses. AAPI business owners were especially hit hard by the pandemic, fueled by fear and racism, but our community is strong and healing. As the administration continues to invest in our economic future, we are hopeful to see this translate into opportunities for all AAPIs and prosperity for all.

We applaud President Biden for honoring the heroic actions of Brandon Tsay, who stopped the Monterey Park gunman. Brandon’s courage and quick thinking saved countless lives that night. The horrific shootings during and following Lunar New Year celebrations come at a time when our community continues to experience heightened anxiety and fear from the increased violence we have seen in the past few years. We will continue to focus on finding ways to ensure our community feels safe.

The tragedies in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay shed light on the compounding factors that lead to violence. It’s clear there continues to be a mental health crisis within the AAPI community and there is much work to do to ensure our community can seek the help and support they need.

We are heartened by the policies and programs President Biden set forth in last night’s State of the Union which are specifically designed to create stronger belonging and inclusion for AAPIs and many other communities that contribute to the unique American identity. We are hopeful and committed to playing our part in advancing change that creates a more just society for AAPIs and all of our allies.”

About TAAF

The Asian American Foundation (TAAF) is a convener, incubator, and funder committed to accelerating opportunity and prosperity for AAPI communities. TAAF supports advocates and organizations committed to AAPI causes so that together we can more effectively take action against hate and violence, and build the infrastructure needed to improve AAPI advocacy, power, and representation across American society. We were founded to solve for the longstanding lack of investment and resources provided to AAPI communities and we strive to be a catalyzing force for creating a permanent and irrevocable sense of belonging for the 23 million Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders living in the United States. For additional information about TAAF, please visit

Contact: Joy Moh
The Asian American Foundation